
Get inspired by tempeh!

Various interesting facts and secrets about the tempeh making industry. Let them inspire you to make your own great tempeh.

Production of red onchom

In West Java red onchom is produced, black onchom in mainly produced in East Java. red onchom is made from the leftover of tofu production, okara. In short , the okara is pressed to extract most soy milk, then steamed for 2 hours, after which it is cooled. Then it's crumbled and spread in a mould to create a slab 40 cm long, 30 wide and 1.5 cm thick. As the starter they use "the mother" - this is finished onchom. It is crumbled and sprinkled over the top of the slab of steamed okara. It is placed in a rack and fermented for 24 hours, it will develop the rich red fungus on top, which gives it the name red onchom or onchom merah.

Sunflower seed tempeh

This tempeh is made with soy bean, sunflower seeds and red rice. If you would like to learn how to make perfect tempeh like this, check out our three day tempeh course!

Tempe Kripik - crispy tempeh chips

The famous and delicious thin round slices of tempeh are deep fried, with or without a coating of flavor. The tempeh has a different comparison to make it crispy. The secret will be revealed in the tempeh course. In de video you see how the tempeh rounds are sliced ultra thin by hand... ready to go to the ladys for deep frying.

Tempeh fermentation - timelapse

Banana leaf tempeh

This presentation shows how banana leaf tempeh is made.

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