Introduction to tempeh and tofu

If you are visiting Yogyakarta and would like to know more about tempeh and tofu, come and join us for a fun day roaming around traditional tempeh/tofu makers and see how tempeh is produced and how the people live. This is a one-day event. Contact us for more information!
Three day Tempeh Course

We conduct a 3 day, hands-on tempeh training based in our production facility. We use soy as the base for tempeh making, once you master the art of soy tempeh you can make all other tempehs like chickpea, adzuki bean, pea, rice etc. You will experience and learn how to make:
- Reliable and problem free soy tempeh. All stages from the first natural fermentation to the last natural finishing stage to produce cool, bright white tempeh.
- We will show you how to use the traditional wet dehulling, dry dehulling, wet inoculation and dry inoculation, and the effect this can have on your tempeh.
- We will show you how to make tempeh from 200 gram to massive slabs of 10 kg.
- We will share the secrets of how to make the famous crispy tempeh chips. Great for value adding and expanding your range.
- You will learn how to make the real tempeh Mendoan, a thin slice of flavored tempeh, famous in the Bayumas area, central Java.
- We will teach you how to use banana leaf in tempeh production, a possible way to minimize the use of plastic in tempeh production.
- We will prepare you and support you to have all the knowledge and experience to set up a commercial production, meeting western health departments standards.
- Once the hands-on teaching for the day has finished we roam around and show you tempeh, tofu and other Javanese food produced in our area. This is a unique opportunity to meet the real Javanese food producers, see how they live and conduct their old traditional ways of making food. And many more exciting experiences as they come up.
- Contact us for more information!
Online Support
We have an online support option for our customers, submit your questions and possible problems with a pic to us and we will try to advise how to resolve the issue.
Not sure if you should contact us?
Watch this video of Louis from Venezuala to help you make up you mind. We happily offer Online Support to all novice and experienced tempeh makers in the world.
What students think about the course
25th of january 2019
I have spent a great time in Bogor. There you have the opportunity to learn from the source and still feel the roots. If you really want to make a good tempeh as used to do before, here is the right place.
This experience allow me to be capable to teach different practices of making tempeh: the ancient craft, the modern and also homemade (small portions to make it at home). Furthermore you have the chance to visiting all the tempeh makers around and share so many stories and ancient recipies.
The owners and staff are really friendly always available to answer to question and help you. You really feel happy and lucky to learn with them.
Now is time to share all this knowlgment to the world and share the tempeh word :)
Thank you Amita, Herdi and his beautiful family for being such a good hosts and friends. Could not ask for more.
Iolanda Fernandes